Thursday, November 18, 2010

Baby Alive

Hi everyone, its me Mikaela bringing you the coolest things of today tomorrow.
 Here is the question of the day: Are Baby Alive dolls too real? If you do not agree then read this... Baby alive dolls are made for children 3-6, the dolls poop and pee. They are for children that want to feel grown up and change some poop and pee diapers. Isn't that a bit too much for children of that age?Do you want to be the mom or dad with a daughter or son at 16 or less? More 11 12 13 14 15 and 16 year olds keep having children at these ages in witch they think"hey I was able to take care of my Baby alive so im mature enough to have a real baby" but please note that not all people directly think this but at the young age they learned about these dolls and bought them it gives them these thoughts. I think baby alives should be dis continued but tell me in your comments if you agree.If you feel this was not enough about baby alive dolls go to for more info about these baby makers of to america. tune in next week for a themed week.

1 comment:

  1. ya but at the age 3-6 u aren't really thinking about having ur own baby and about how to have one and everything, u know!
